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Real-Time Plagiarism Checker and AI Detector

A plagiarism checker and AI detector for businesses that helps improve content quality, customer satisfaction, and trust and achieve higher SEO results.

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How Identific can benefit your company

For content creating companies such as SEO, marketing agencies, and news portals
For academic organizations, such as publishers, journals, and research institutes
For other companies
For companies providing legal services

Benefits for content creators

  • Provide your clients with authentic and original content.
  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.
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Benefits for academic organizations

  • Protect your reputation by ensuring academic integrity.
  • Check papers against 3/4 ever published scholarly articles.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
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Benefits for other companies

  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.
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Benefits for law companies

  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.
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Global resolutions for every need

How Identific can benefit your company

For content creating companies such as SEO, marketing agencies, and news portals

  • Provide your clients with authentic and original content.
  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.

For academic organizations, such as publishers, journals, and research institutes

  • Protect your reputation by ensuring academic integrity.
  • Check papers against 3/4 ever published scholarly articles.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.

For other companies

  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.

For companies providing legal services

  • Increase competitiveness by improving the quality of your services.
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Avoid legal claims and litigation.
  • Get your content to rank higher in search engines.
  • Increase your review score.

Main features of our plagiarism checker and AI detector

13 years of algorithm improvement and collection of comparative data

The widest language support

Identific is fully multilingual. Plagiarism check supports 129 languages and excels across writing systems like Greek, Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, and more, including scripts from the Brahmic family (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) and Hebrew.

Real-time plagiarism search

Instant plagiarism check across billions of online documents including articles, books, journals, magazines, encyclopedias, and more. Our crawlers swiftly index newly published content on the internet, detecting it within 10 minutes of publication.

Multiple supported formats

Identific supports the following file types: TXT, PDF, picture-based PDF files, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, ODS, ODP, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, JPEG, Google Docs files, ZIP, TAR.

Data Protection

We follow all international data privacy protocols FERPA, COPPA, and GDPR regulations. Your institution’s data is securely stored and processed in your region.

Extended scoring

Beyond similarity scores, we offer additional scores such as paraphrasing, correct and improper citations, and AI-generated content. Additional scores help to assess the authenticity of a document faster and more accurately.

Scholarly articles

Our plagiarism checker reaches 3 out of 4 published scholarly articles. This is one of the highest rates on the market.

Cheat detection

Cheat detection employs various techniques to uncover any academic misbehavior or attempts to trick the plagiarism checker service

Detection of letters from different language scripts

Our technology is capable of identifying characters inserted from other scripts.

Picture insertion instead of text

Our technology is capable of identifying picture-based documents and extracting text from them prior to verification.

Residual characters from copying & pasting

The technology identifies residual characters that sometimes appear when copying text from PDF files.

Contract cheating

Our plagiarism prevention software has stylometry-based technology to identify a paper, that was written by a third-party.

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